Nuclear Power in Africa: Managing Waste and Seizing the Billion Dollar Industry Opportunity

In the global pursuit of sustainable and reliable energy sources, the establishment of nuclear power programs has garnered widespread attention. However, the responsible handling of nuclear waste generated during this process emerges as a critical consideration that requires early attention. Nuclear energy stands out as the sole power generation sector seamlessly integrating waste management into its production process. The expenses associated with handling and disposing of nuclear waste constitute 5% of the overall electricity generation costs, ensuring a dedicated and sustainable financial allocation for effective waste management within the industry. As 21 African nations earnestly explore the possibilities of nuclear power, a recent assessment by NBP, a nuclear consultancy firm in Singapore, highlights that seven of these countries fall into the tier-1 category. These nations include South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, and Rwanda. It is crucial to emphasize the need to incorporate nuclear waste management considerations from the inception of these programs, recognizing the potential risks to both human health and the environment.

The early consideration of nuclear waste management in the initiation of a nuclear power program is crucial for several compelling reasons. Firstly, inadequate management of nuclear waste poses significant risks to human health and the environment. Secondly, the enduring radioactive nature of nuclear waste necessitates secure storage for an extended period, spanning thousands of years. Thirdly, the financial costs associated with nuclear waste management are substantial, highlighting the importance of meticulous and early financial planning during the program's inception. Additionally, insufficient management of waste could lead to a negative public perception regarding the viability of the country's nuclear power program. Conducting an early evaluation of waste management requirements arising from the development and utilization of advanced reactors and innovative nuclear fuel cycles is essential. This assessment not only informs the design and operation of such facilities but also provides valuable insights into their broader impact on overall waste management planning.

Nuclear Waste Management in South Africa and Egypt: Regulatory Frameworks and Operational Strategies

As of now, South Africa stands as the sole African nation with an operational nuclear power plant, namely the Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant. Nonetheless, several other African countries are currently in different stages of planning and implementing their nuclear power programs. The enactment of the 2008 National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Act paved the way for the establishment of the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI), entrusted with the responsibility of radioactive waste disposal in South Africa. The creation of this institute was officially announced in March 2014.

The Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (NECSA) had previously overseen the national repository for low- and intermediate-level waste at Vaalputs in the Northern Cape province, commissioned in 1986 for waste from Koeberg and funded through fees paid by Eskom. Transitioning from its role as the Vaalputs facility, around 2008, it evolved into the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility, remaining under NECSA's management until the establishment of the NRWDI in 2014. NECSA also handles the disposal of some low- and intermediate-level waste from hospitals, industry, and its own operations at the Pelindaba site. Used fuel is stored at Koeberg, and a contract awarded to Holtec in May 2015 involves the supply of HI-STAR 100 dual-purpose metal casks for the transport and storage of used fuel by September 2018. In August 2008, the nuclear safety director of the Department of Minerals and Energy announced Eskom's intention to explore commercial arrangements for reprocessing its used fuel overseas, with the aim of utilizing the resulting mixed oxide (MOX) fuel.

The regulatory framework governing the nuclear sector in South Africa includes the Nuclear Energy Act of 1999, the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Act of 2008, and the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) Act of 1999. The Radioactive Waste Management Policy and Strategy for South Africa gained approval in 2005. The NNR plays a pivotal role in ensuring the support, assessment, and monitoring of policy guidelines and principles related to radioactive waste management to uphold safety standards. It assesses the requirements for radioactive waste management and monitors the compliance of NNR authorization holders.

The El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant in Egypt is yet to commence operations and is projected to start its commercial activities in 2026. The Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA) serves as the national entity responsible for the management of radioactive waste in Egypt. The Nuclear Power Plant Authority (NPPA) takes charge of radioactive waste management activities at the El-Dabaa site. In anticipation of managing waste from the NPP in the future, EAEA is in the process of enhancing its expertise in this domain. Collaboration is underway between EAEA and the US National Laboratory, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Both organizations are facilitating opportunities for EAEA to stay informed about international initiatives and advancements in waste management and disposal.

Egypt's comprehensive regulatory framework for nuclear activities and security is governed by Nuclear Law 7/2010. This legislation encompasses various aspects such as plant licensing, radiation protection, safety and security measures, radioactive waste management, spent fuel management, civil liability in nuclear damage cases, transportation of radioactive materials, emergency responses to disasters, and import and export controls. Additionally, the law established the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) to oversee and regulate these activities. Furthermore, the Waste Management Law 202/2020 specifically regulates the organization of waste management in Egypt, excluding nuclear and radiological activities. This dual regulatory approach ensures a robust legal framework for both general and nuclear-related waste management practices in the country.

As part of its responsibilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been aiding its Member States in Africa in the establishment or enhancement of various components within their national infrastructure for radioactive waste management. The primary goal is to enhance both radioactive waste management and radiation safety across Africa, thereby mitigating potential risks associated with public exposure to ionizing radiation. This involves the development of a legal framework addressing radioactive waste, the creation of an inventory of radioactive waste, and the acquisition of technical expertise and capabilities required for the implementation of effective methods for managing radioactive wastes. Anticipated outcomes encompass the reinforcement of regulatory capacity and frameworks to ensure the safeguarding of individuals and the environment, fostering sustainable practices. Additionally, the initiative aims to bring about improvements in national radioactive waste management infrastructure and the establishment of adequately equipped centers for training in radioactive waste management. Presently, 33 member states are beneficiaries of this project.

Potential of a Deep Geological Repository (DGR) Disposal Method 

The method of Deep Geological Repository (DGR) for nuclear waste entails depositing radioactive materials deep within the Earth’s crust, grounded in the principle of isolating the waste to prevent harmful radiation exposure to the biosphere. This involves encapsulating the waste in a suitable form and placing it in a robust container, which is then buried in a stable geological formation, usually several hundred meters below the surface. The geological formation acts as a natural barrier, preventing the release of radioactive materials into the environment. Over time, the natural decay of waste radioactivity is ensured, with the deep geological repository maintaining isolation during this period. Widely regarded as one of the most feasible solutions for long-term, high-level nuclear waste management, Finland, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland, and France are at the forefront of planning for DGRs. Finland’s Onkalo repository is slated to commence operations in 2024, marking the first licensed DGR for the disposal of used fuel from civil reactors.

Considering the safety, viability, and long-term benefits of this method, African countries could consider its adoption. Furthermore, the prospect of establishing a regional project DGRs in Africa holds considerable promise. This strategic approach could effectively manage nuclear waste and spent fuel generated by potential future nuclear power plants across the continent. A regional project offers advantages such as cost savings through shared resources, infrastructure, regional cooperation promotion, and knowledge and technology transfer facilitation. Additionally, it could assist countries with minimal nuclear waste quantities, making it economically unfeasible to construct their own DGRs. While the concept of a regional DGR project in Africa is promising, its realization would necessitate meticulous planning, international collaboration, and adherence to stringent safety and security standards. Although challenging, successful execution could provide a sustainable solution for nuclear waste management in the region.

Innovative Solutions for Reducing Nuclear Waste in Africa

Several innovative technologies and approaches hold the potential to minimize and decrease nuclear waste generation in Africa. Some examples include:

  1. Closed Fuel Cycle: This strategy involves the recycling and reutilization of the reusable parts of spent fuel, effectively reducing the overall volume of waste.

  2. Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T): P&T entails processing spent nuclear fuel to separate and convert long-lived radioactive elements into shorter-lived, less hazardous forms. This results in a reduced waste volume with significantly lower radiotoxicity.

  3. Fast Neutron Systems: Among transmutation technologies, fast neutron systems are extensively studied for destroying long-lived actinide elements. Coupled with new fuel cycle technologies, they offer the potential to recycle major and minor actinides without the need for high purification schemes.

  4. Advanced Reactor Designs: Certain advanced reactor designs, like fast-neutron spectrum reactors, have the capability to enhance fuel utilization efficiency, increasing power production from each nuclear fuel assembly and lowering the total amount of high-level waste (HLW) generated.

  5. Fuel Recycling or Reprocessing Technologies: These technologies enable the separation of highly radioactive fission products from usable uranium in used nuclear fuel.

While these technology and policy innovations are at various stages of maturity, each holds promise for positively impacting nuclear waste management and disposal. Continued support is crucial to their development, evaluating both technical viability and potential effects. Collaboration among various stakeholders is essential for addressing advanced nuclear energy waste effectively

The proper storage of spent nuclear fuel is a crucial procedure, African countries could benefit from expertise of many nations around the world For instance, the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) of India serves as a noteworthy example for Africa. The KKNPP employs a two-part scheme for spent fuel storage.

The global nuclear industry incorporates the concept of "take-back" for nuclear waste, wherein the vendor country proposes to retrieve the spent nuclear fuel (nuclear waste) from the customer country for subsequent management and disposal. While this approach has the potential to ease the challenges of nuclear waste management, it is not universally adopted. The feasibility and effectiveness of the "take-back" strategy depend on multiple factors, including specific agreements between countries, the characteristics of the nuclear waste, and the vendor country's capabilities in managing and disposing of such waste. Notably, Rosatom, the Russian state-run nuclear corporation, actively offers a "take-back" approach for nuclear waste. In the case of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, constructed by Rosatom, Turkey is expected to ship the spent fuel to Russia. Furthermore, Rosatom's contract for building the El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant in Egypt addresses the matter of spent nuclear fuel treatment.

In conclusion, as African nations progress in their exploration of nuclear power, the significance of prioritizing nuclear waste management cannot be overstated. The companies specializing in nuclear and radioactive waste management find themselves at the forefront of a burgeoning industry, contributing not only to environmental responsibility but also to the evolution of sustainable energy solutions. The pursuit of effective waste management practices not only aligns with global environmental goals but also opens doors for business ventures that are instrumental in shaping the future of the nuclear energy sector in Africa.


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