Powering ASEAN’s Future: Can Nuclear Energy Win Public Trust?

Rapid economic development in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries has led to rising industrial activity and higher energy demand, including energy needs for infrastructure, transportation, and industrial production. This is also supported by an increase in population, which in 2025 has reached almost 700 million people. The use of fossil fuels as the main energy source and the predicted increase in ASEAN's electricity consumption has encouraged the commitment of ASEAN countries to increase the capacity of environmentally friendly energy in the national energy mix programme. ASEAN's commitment to the transition to new and renewable energy now seems increasingly real, as shown in the key strategies of the seven (7) Programme Areas of the APAEC Phase II: 2021-2025, which include increasing the portion of renewable energy in installed power capacity to 35% by 2025, advancing energy policies and planning to accelerate the transition and energy security in the region, and building human resource capabilities in the field of nuclear science and technology for power generation.

The establishment of the civil nuclear energy (CNE) programme area in APAEC Phase II: 2021-2025 further confirms ASEAN's concrete steps in supporting the sustainability of the realization of the nuclear energy programme. As a result, several countries in ASEAN, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam are now in the study and preparation phase for the construction of facilities and infrastructure for their nuclear energy programmes. Of course, the implementation of this programme would not be successful without the support and collaboration of various stakeholders, including public trust itself. Therefore, how impactful is the public acceptance in supporting nuclear energy programmes in ASEAN countries?


Public Acceptance Landscape in Several ASEAN Member States

Public acceptance is crucial for the success of nuclear energy implementation in ASEAN, as various studies on public perception on nuclear energy programmes in ASEAN countries have been carried out using different research methods to date.


Currently, Indonesia is one of the ASEAN countries preparing to build a nuclear power plant. Various studies on technology, infrastructure, regulations, and public acceptance have also been studied annually for a decade. A research conducted by Wisnubroto et al. (2019) in understanding public perception of the nuclear power plant programme showed a high level of national support, with more than 70% of respondents supporting the nuclear programme in the last three years of the survey (2014-2016). This support is driven by the need for a stable electricity supply and cheaper energy prices, however, there is a strong "not in my backyard" (NIMBY) phenomenon in areas considered for the construction of nuclear reactors, such as Bangka-Belitung. In addition, Indonesia's geographic location on the "Ring of Fire" raises concerns about the potential for natural disasters that could trigger nuclear accidents. However, as public trust in the government remains high, the education process carried out both by the central and regional governments has the potential to increase acceptance, such as educational socialization through television broadcast media.

Indonesia's commitment in recent years to build an MSR-type nuclear power plant in Bangka Belitung through PT. ThorCon Power Indonesia has encouraged a more in-depth study of public acceptance. Based on research conducted by Kartono et al. (2023), public perception of nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Indonesia, especially in Bangka Belitung, shows a high level of acceptance with 73.73% of respondents supporting the plan to build a nuclear power plant. This support is driven by positive perceptions of the benefits of nuclear power plants, such as a stable energy supply, increased public welfare, and the creation of new jobs. As many as 94.27% of respondents agree with the benefits of nuclear power plants, while 92.53% believe that developers have good intentions, and 93.53% consider nuclear power plant operators to have sufficient competence. On the other hand, there are concerns about the risks of nuclear power plants, where 70.93% of respondents consider nuclear power plants as risky installations due to potential nuclear accidents and radiation leakage to the environment. As a result, the public prefers the location of nuclear power plants to be at least 30 km from residential areas.


The Philippines is one of the ASEAN countries that has given the green light for the development of CNE and to implement the recommendations of the Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) Phase 1 of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Based on research conducted by Macmac et al. (2023), although the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) project built in the 1970s was rejected and eventually not operated due to safety concerns and political issues, there is now increasing public acceptance of nuclear energy. A survey conducted by the Philippine Department of Energy in 2019 showed that 79% of respondents supported the rehabilitation of BNPP, while 65% approved the construction of a new nuclear power plant. This support is driven by increasing public awareness of the benefits of nuclear energy in ensuring energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Economic factors are also a major driver, given the high cost of electricity due to dependence on fossil fuel imports. However, there are concerns about safety and environmental impacts, especially due to the history of global nuclear accidents. The Philippine government is working to increase public acceptance through information and education campaigns, with support from international organizations such as the IAEA to ensure the readiness of nuclear infrastructure and regulations.


A study conducted by Vechgama et al. (2023) examined insights into public perception of Thailand's nuclear energy on social media platforms using sentiment analysis through deep transfer learning methods. The results of the analysis showed that most of the public sentiment was neutral (80%), indicating an opportunity to change public opinion through more positive communication. Negative sentiment (14%) was mainly caused by concerns about nuclear accidents and environmental impacts, while positive sentiment (6%) supported nuclear technology innovation. In this case, public perception in Thailand towards nuclear can be influenced by appropriate information campaigns and strategic communications, where sentiment towards nuclear remains influenced by social media campaigns and concerns about potential dangers, especially after the Fukushima accident in 2011.


Public perceptions of the acceptance of nuclear power plants in Vietnam is influenced by a combination of economic factors, trust in stakeholders, and perceptions of benefits and risks. Research conducted by Ho et al. (2019) revealed that many Vietnamese people see nuclear power development as a step to support national development, with the hope of improving infrastructure, economy, and quality human resources. However, despite recognizing the benefits of nuclear energy, public perception of nuclear energy safety remains a challenge, especially after the Fukushima disaster. Vietnam needs to ensure that strict international safety standards are met if it decides to proceed with nuclear projects. In addition, some community groups also have the view that nuclear can be linked to national security, both as an energy source and in a geopolitical context.


Public perceptions of the acceptance of nuclear power generation in Singapore is generally low, with significant concerns due to concerns about safety, potential accidents, and the challenges of managing nuclear waste given the country's small land area. Most Singaporeans would prefer not to have a nuclear power plant near them due to concerns about radiation leaks and environmental impacts. A 2021 survey by the Nuclear Business Platform (NBP) of 620 young people aged 19-28 years old found that 59.4% of participants accepted the inclusion of nuclear energy in Singapore's energy landscape, with misconceptions about the radiation threat posed by nuclear facilities being one of the main barriers. Meanwhile, research conducted by Ho et al. (2021) suggests that public acceptance of nuclear power generation in Singapore is heavily influenced by decision-making heuristics, such as religiosity, perceived benefits, and levels of trust in relevant authorities.


Challenges Faced in Engaging Public Acceptance

Public acceptance of nuclear energy in ASEAN still faces major challenges, especially due to concerns about the risk of accidents and radiation impacts. Although data shows that the possibility of a significant nuclear accident is very low, incidents such as Fukushima have reinforced public fears of this technology. A study by Kato et al. (2024) revealed that distrust of nuclear is more influenced by risk perception than scientific facts. However, on the other hand, the need for clean and stable energy sources has encouraged several ASEAN countries to reconsider the nuclear option as part of their energy mix.

One of the main factors influencing public attitude is the lack of understanding of nuclear technology and its safety. When information about the benefits and risks of nuclear is conveyed transparently, the level of public acceptance increases. In addition, policies that prioritize public participation in energy planning can strengthen public trust in nuclear safety regulations.

To increase public acceptance, strategic steps need to be implemented, such as broader education about nuclear energy, policy transparency, and public involvement in decision-making. In addition, prioritizing values held by the community will help the government understand the community's perspective. These community values are considered important and may serve as a guideline. Bringing various stakeholders closer and educating them in every segment will support the creation of mutual understanding.

Lesson Learned and Strategies to Increase Public Trust

Efforts to increase public trust in accepting the construction of nuclear power plants must be carried out collaboratively by the government and various stakeholders. Communication, education, and transparency strategies in increasing public awareness also need to be continuously approached to increase public understanding of the benefits of nuclear energy. As an illustration, in 2017, one of the countries in Asia, Bangladesh, began construction of its first nuclear power plant in the Rooppur area, Ishwardi, Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is convincing the public in the construction of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) through communication strategies and increasing public awareness. Although there is support for nuclear energy, there is also a knowledge gap and many misunderstandings among the public. The Bangladeshi government is using various approaches to increase public acceptance of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) project, including information campaigns, seminars, and the integration of nuclear education into the school curriculum. Research conducted by Hosan et al (2023) shows that although the majority agrees that nuclear energy can contribute to economic development and energy security, there are still concerns about safety issues, radioactive waste management, and potential corruption and political instability that can hinder this project. To overcome these doubts, Bangladesh is working to strengthen transparency, increase public trust in nuclear regulations, and ensure that local workers receive training from developed countries. In addition, the government also emphasizes the development of reactors that are safe and in accordance with national energy needs.

To help dispel misperceptions about nuclear power, there are several strategies that can be implemented to increase public trust and acceptance of nuclear energy programmes in ASEAN, including:

a. Transparency in information and education, which governments can now do through social media campaigns, through which they can highlight the decades-old advantages of nuclear power. In addition, there is a need to clearly convey scientific facts, such as the solid safety record of NPPS despite a history of serious accidents, given the availability of new generation reactor technology.

b. Public and stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process, which is carried out actively across groups such as local communities, environmental organizations, experts, and the general public during the planning, development, and operation stages of the NPP so that they can provide input, raise concerns, and be informed about decisions made regarding the project, with the aim of building trust and acceptance while taking into account their interests and potential impacts.

c.  Skilled workforce training and development, which is designed to educate and equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to work safely and effectively in the nuclear power industry. The government can cooperate with other institutions or countries in increasing the nuclear science capacity of local communities while preparing nuclear energy projects so that they are expected to become skilled workers in national nuclear energy projects.

d. Investment and collaboration with other countries, which are realized through agreements, joint projects, and international organizations to ensure economic resilience and the sustainability of safe and responsible programmes.

This article was researched and written by Marchelino Hutama.


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