
Nuclear Innovation in Namibia: Building a Sustainable Legacy

Colin Namalambo, a distinguished board member of the Namibia Atomic Energy Board, sat down with Ibrahim Ababou to delve deep into Namibia’s evolving nuclear energy strategy and its promising role in shaping the country’s future energy mix.

Since 2014, Namibia’s Cabinet has embraced the nuclear full cycle policy along with the nuclear science and technology policy—strategies designed to add value to the nation’s uranium resources and address critical challenges in health, agriculture, and water management. The Atomic Energy Board actively implementing these policies, focusing on local value addition and leveraging nuclear science to meet Africa’s growing energy needs.

The interview highlighted Namibia’s goal to process uranium domestically, its efforts to build community trust through extensive educational and youth engagement programs, and the drive to integrate nuclear topics into school curricula.

One of the elements evoked is the finalizing collaboration agreements with South Africa, and forging partnerships with other African nations. The discussion also set the stage for upcoming initiatives, including an African nuclear meeting in Morocco.


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